1.   Also, be ready for lift lines that resemble rugby scrums.

2.   And something resembling a scrum that nearly landed on the poor, unsuspecting Silver Dancers at court-side.

3.   Presidential primaries here have often resembled rugby scrums, the candidates piling on one another and then the press and television piling on some more.

4.   What is supposed to be a tournament resembles a scrum thus far.

v. + scrum >>共 25
collapse 13.89%
resemble 11.11%
produce 5.56%
push 5.56%
wheel 5.56%
win 5.56%
attack 2.78%
avoid 2.78%
brave 2.78%
cause 2.78%
resemble + n. >>共 1319
one 1.55%
crumb 1.36%
man 1.02%
meal 1.02%
sketch 0.68%
cross 0.63%
team 0.63%
flu 0.58%
father 0.53%
cornmeal 0.49%
scrum 0.19%
每页显示:    共 4