1.   He will require preparation of his bowel for these and will therefore need explanation of the preparation as well as the procedures.

2.   Moving to a new house requires careful preparation.

3.   Although the whole beans are more subtle, they require more preparation and are harder to find than prepared black bean sauce.

4.   And none requires complicated preparation.

5.   As with all other qualified retirement plans, profit-sharing plans require the preparation of formal trust documents as well as annual tax filings.

6.   But it does require preparation.

7.   For Matheson, whose blond hair and purple eyeshadow make her look a little like Erin Brockovich, relating to average American callers requires no preparation.

8.   For one, fresh fruits require no preparation and are ideal snacks and desserts for young and old.

9.   For many, the conditions required better preparation.

10.   Ginger is a natural for experimenting, not only because it is compatible with other ingredients but also because it requires little preparation.

v. + preparation >>共 257
make 22.07%
begin 12.37%
complete 3.65%
discuss 3.44%
start 3.02%
continue 2.67%
oversee 2.39%
require 1.97%
speed 1.55%
include 1.48%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
preparation 0.21%
每页显示:    共 28