1.   Therefore, many adults who drive or who have controlled seizures caused by Structural lesions will require medication indefinitely.

2.   Many of the remaining patients with an intact pouch have repeated episodes of pouchitis, diarrhoea is generally troublesome, and most patients require medication for symptoms.

3.   All three require medication.

4.   Also, meat goats need no milking or shearing and rarely require medication, so they are much less work for ranchers.

5.   But about half of Type IIs require oral medication.

6.   Even his hemophilia was so mild it never required medication.

7.   Even in developed countries, the recommended treatment requires medication for many weeks late in pregnancy, then during delivery, and then treating the baby for six weeks.

8.   Even if your blood pressure is high enough to require medication, lifestyle changes are still critical to controlling the condition.

9.   He suffers from clinical depression severe enough to require medication.

10.   However, the laser-treated eyes that required drug therapy later required less medication than did the eyes treated first with drugs alone, the researchers added.

v. + medication >>共 217
take 37.83%
receive 4.62%
prescribe 4.19%
use 3.75%
give 3.61%
need 2.82%
require 2.31%
administer 2.17%
stop 2.09%
get 1.52%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
medication 0.24%
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