1.   A second survey was undertaken to establish the level of loss of requested items over a six month period.

2.   More than one in five of the requested items which could not be supplied had been sent for binding.

3.   More than three-quarters of the requested items which were at binding were serial parts being bound into volumes for the first time.

4.   If the sports authority has nothing to hide, let it turn over the requested items and let McMullen get on with his decision.

5.   The Department of Corrections had argued that some requested items, like shells and animal parts, could be used to fashion weapons.

6.   The most requested items were Pokemon toys, cards and games for kids.

7.   The most widely requested item, however, is not food but plastic sheeting.

8.   The skaters gather requested items onto a conveyor belt that delivers them to the packing department, where delivery trucks wait.

9.   Some shops said bin Laden masks were their most requested item, with George Bush masks trailing well behind.

10.   The atmosphere has improved since Iraqi began specifying the exact usage of the requested items, he added.

a. + item >>共 1265
big-ticket 4.61%
personal 3.06%
essential 2.63%
household 2.40%
popular 1.72%
expensive 1.59%
hot 1.57%
new 1.54%
first 1.50%
small 1.45%
requested 0.18%
requested + n. >>共 161
recipe 14.71%
document 8.17%
information 7.52%
item 3.27%
change 1.96%
anonymity 1.96%
meal 1.31%
increase 1.31%
transfer 0.98%
meeting 0.98%
每页显示:    共 10