1.   Most likely it will be taken from budgets for Democrats, who are losing staff because of the Republican takeover.

2.   The Republican takeover of Congress deflated that notion, though, and he no longer stresses it.

3.   Among the key discoveries unearthed in the FEC records was the importance Gingrich placed on creating and activating a conservative grassroots movement to aid in the Republican takeover.

4.   As a result of the Republican takeover, Thurmond, R-S.C., will assume control of the committee in January.

5.   As the day of the Republican takeover of Congress draws closer, formalities have been cast aside in the excitement.

6.   At one crucial juncture, he managed to stave off a Republican takeover by stealing away a dissident Republican with a promise of plenty of Democratic privileges.

7.   Bipartisanship on any issue has been rare here in the three months since the Republican takeover of Capitol Hill left Clinton politically adrift in the White House.

8.   Both she and the president were discouraged because of the defeat of their health care reform, sagging polls and the stunning Republican takeover of Congress.

9.   Bush also sees a state government potentially heading for major change with what he thinks is an inevitable Republican takeover of the state House.

10.   But others feel Gore is the best hope of holding back a complete Republican takeover of Washington.

a. + takeover >>共 231
hostile 19.28%
possible 5.16%
republican 4.77%
state 4.64%
corporate 4.58%
military 3.66%
foreign 2.88%
communist 2.61%
federal 2.61%
proposed 2.42%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
takeover 0.30%
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