1.   Clinton arrived, of course with a more mundane ambition than his grand Republican predecessor.

2.   And presumably the new Democratic president enjoyed the movie about the fall of a Republican predecessor.

3.   And while she has had some kind words for a Reagan-era assistant attorney general, she is very different in style from her Republican predecessors.

4.   Apart from one or two lamentable lapses, the Clinton administration has been a more responsible steward of the American landscape than its Republican predecessors.

5.   After lobbying undecided lawmakers over the weekend, President Clinton said Tuesday he is optimistic the Senate will ratify a historic chemical weapons treaty negotiated by his Republican predecessor.

6.   But Bush genuinely seems less dogmatic about tilting educational advantages to private schooling and away from the public schools than his Republican predecessors.

7.   But the first weeks of his term have been spent undoing the work of his Republican predecessor, Pete Wilson.

8.   But the latest analysis shows that the problem also existed under his Republican predecessors.

9.   Gov. David Beasley and his Republican predecessor, Carroll Campbell, both turned out Tuesday to welcome the Senate majority leader and to repeat public endorsements of him.

10.   Given the dangers, President Clinton should urgently re-energize negotiations on drastic further reductions in warheads, building on the substantial achievements of his two Republican predecessors.

a. + predecessor >>共 235
immediate 7.93%
republican 6.03%
democratic 3.97%
authoritarian 3.62%
hard-line 3.62%
recent 3.45%
socialist 3.10%
dovish 2.59%
illustrious 2.41%
conservative 2.41%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
predecessor 0.15%
每页显示:    共 35