1.   Chechens likely would try to get other Caucasus republics to secede as well, bringing conflict and even terrorist acts into other parts of Russia.

2.   Since other republics seceded, Yugoslavia consists of Serbia and Montenegro.

3.   But Moscow says it will never allow the republic to secede.

4.   Chechen leaders consider the territory independent and are running their own affairs, but Russia insists it will not allow the mostly Muslim republic to secede.

5.   Chechen leaders say they consider the territory an independent state while Moscow says it will not allow the republic to secede.

6.   Montenegro and Serbia are all that remain of Yugoslavia after four other republics seceded.

7.   Montenegro and Serbia comprise the remainder of Yugoslavia after four other republics seceded.

8.   Serbia and Montenegro, which remained in Yugoslavia after other republics seceded, should share power on a federal level, although Montenegro is much smaller.

9.   Russia says it will never let the mostly Muslim republic secede.

10.   Ten days later, he let the republic secede without further bloodshed.

n. + secede >>共 17
province 25.76%
republic 25.76%
right 7.58%
territory 7.58%
region 6.06%
south 6.06%
state 6.06%
campaign 1.52%
community 1.52%
country 1.52%
republic + v. >>共 237
be 21.12%
remain 7.24%
have 5.46%
secede 2.02%
agree 1.78%
consider 1.78%
become 1.54%
border 1.42%
hold 1.07%
survive 1.07%
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