1.   During this time updating and regular reporting procedures were developed and the necessary programs written.

2.   During April parliament debated and approved a directive detailing the reporting procedures under which voluntary euthanasia was permissible.

3.   In reality, Wilson had tightened up reporting procedures so that fewer thefts escaped the record due to carelessness, corruption, etc.

4.   Updated refresher training sessions were held for plant operators and new reporting procedures brought in to cover routine monitoring.

5.   But revelations about questionable accounting practices and changes in reporting procedures should give us pause as we consider the current state of the economy.

6.   Experts say the increase could be due to better reporting procedures rather than a rise of intolerance.

7.   Heathgate Resources contends that it is held to strict reporting procedures, and that it abides by them.

8.   In big deals, overseas accounting rules and financial reporting procedures favor European banks, which can write off part of the acquisition costs.

a. + procedure >>共 1012
new 6.05%
standard 4.34%
medical 3.74%
surgical 3.54%
proper 3.29%
legal 3.26%
normal 2.12%
emergency 1.92%
same 1.74%
voting 1.74%
reporting 0.37%
reporting + n. >>共 333
requirement 12.35%
system 5.56%
period 3.76%
season 3.19%
date 2.78%
standard 1.88%
procedure 1.80%
rule 1.72%
restriction 1.64%
earnings 1.64%
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