1.   And on Friday, Pentagon spokesmen said they did not know when reporters could accompany troops.

2.   A Washington Post reporter accompanied us and we picked up an ABC television crew in Moscow.

3.   In fact, the squadron was confident enough about security along the border that it had allowed reporters to accompany patrols this week.

4.   Japanese officials insisted that no U.S. reporters could accompany Carter to the palace for a state dinner with Emperor Hirohito.

5.   No reporters accompanied U.S. commandos during their mission last weekend.

6.   One Bismarck Tribune reporter accompanied Gen. Custer on an expense-paid cruise to the Little Big Horn.

7.   Traditionally, reporters accompany soldiers on missions and participate in coverage pools organized by military officials, he pointed out.

8.   A film crew and newspaper reporter accompanied them on their free honeymoon in the Bahamas.

9.   An Associated Press reporter accompanied a group of Madurese refugees on the final stretch of their journey from Borneo to the land of their ancestors, Madura island.

10.   An Associated Press reporter accompanied the Karens during the raid, which was preceded by a two-hour exchange of heavy mortar and gunfire.

n. + accompany >>共 736
shower 4.16%
official 3.30%
police 2.02%
diplomat 1.55%
representative 1.55%
journalist 1.23%
rain 1.12%
bodyguard 1.07%
reporter 1.07%
agent 1.07%
reporter + v. >>共 774
ask 10.69%
be 7.77%
say 6.41%
see 6.02%
have 2.48%
visit 1.39%
call 1.30%
press 1.22%
try 1.11%
get 1.11%
accompany 0.37%
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