1.   Can you have the report ready by tomorrow morning?

2.   He said he would have a preliminary report ready on Friday.

3.   Initially, Bell indicated he might have his supplemental report ready by the end of this week.

4.   The commission said its scientists would have an initial evaluation of the report ready by Thursday.

5.   The referee, Steven Liebman, said he hopes to have his report ready by late Thursday or Friday for the judge.

6.   Commission members from Estonia, Finland and Sweden expected to have a final report ready by early next year.

7.   Its director, Ismail Awang Kechik, said his officers had been conducting tests on the samples and would have the report ready by the end of the week.

n. + ready >>共 173
plan 4.80%
team 2.80%
report 2.80%
get 2.40%
camera 2.00%
answer 1.60%
bill 1.60%
system 1.60%
handkerchief 1.20%
money 1.20%
report + n. >>共 398
show 5.95%
came 5.75%
state 4.44%
note 3.13%
showing 2.93%
earnings 2.52%
call 2.42%
concern 1.92%
public 1.51%
sale 1.41%
ready 0.71%
每页显示:    共 7