1.   All three were marred by reports of violence and intimidation.

2.   But the announcement was marred by reports that the US Securities Exchange Commission is looking into the possibility of insider trading in the ArrowPoint deal.

3.   But, Hattaway added, Gore was not concerned that the reports might mar his acceptance speech.

4.   The election itself was marred by reports of voting fraud, murder and bombings.

5.   The celebrations were marred by reports from Australia that guests arriving at the Indonesian consulate in Melbourne Thursday were heckled and kicked by protesters from East Timor.

6.   The elections, meant to steer Albania toward stability after months of chaos, was marred by reports of gunmen pressuring voters, arson and other intimidation.

7.   The mainly peaceful voting was marred by reports of at least two shootings that could not be confirmed independently.

8.   The voting was marred by reports of cheating.

9.   The voting appeared to be marred by reports of irregularities.

10.   The voting appeared, however, to be marred by reports of irregularities.

n. + mar >>共 197
violence 19.84%
incident 4.72%
allegation 4.23%
charge 3.74%
fraud 3.74%
irregularity 2.93%
clash 2.76%
dispute 2.76%
report 1.95%
tragedy 1.95%
report + v. >>共 356
say 38.68%
be 18.76%
show 2.72%
suggest 2.64%
indicate 2.16%
come 1.60%
give 1.35%
find 1.05%
note 0.95%
add 0.87%
mar 0.03%
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