1.   The subjects were required to understand the sentences and report any errors they noticed.

2.   If no serious errors were reported, the user will be given the choice to proceed with the module entry phase or to stop.

3.   Any verification errors will be reported on the terminal.

4.   Often one simple fault, for example an incorrect protection on a storage account, can cause many errors to be reported.

5.   At this stage, if an invalid date or a date later than the current date is entered, an error is reported and the date is requested again.

6.   Specifies the name of the file to which LIFESPAN RDBI will log its progress and report any errors.

7.   If the required mapped user names do not exist, LIFESPAN RDBI will report an error.

8.   Report Type should indicate whether the SPR is reporting an error in software, documentation, or whether it is an enquiry or suggestion.

v. + error >>共 272
make 24.97%
commit 8.44%
correct 5.96%
have 2.83%
blame 2.65%
admit 2.31%
discover 2.26%
realize 2.17%
report 1.83%
acknowledge 1.78%
report + n. >>共 740
injury 5.23%
incident 4.03%
earnings 3.52%
casualty 3.05%
result 2.78%
death 2.71%
newspaper 2.31%
case 2.30%
progress 2.24%
problem 2.09%
error 0.19%
每页显示:    共 42