1.   But if the nerve is exposed, parents and dentists will have to discuss the best options, which might include a replacement tooth.

2.   Dentists will know how to turn on long-dormant genes and prompt patients to fix their own cavities or grow their own replacement teeth.

3.   Eighteen months after her jaw was broken, Sobrero is hoping to get a replacement tooth soon.

4.   Then a replacement tooth, or crown, is attached to the metal post.

n. + tooth >>共 79
buck 4.84%
bottom 4.03%
eye 4.03%
crocodile 3.23%
fish 3.23%
enforcement 3.23%
razor 3.23%
replacement 3.23%
vampire 3.23%
gear 2.42%
replacement + n. >>共 604
player 17.02%
worker 6.64%
part 5.14%
surgery 4.70%
game 2.69%
team 2.52%
baseball 2.15%
reactor 1.84%
tire 1.70%
umpire 1.46%
tooth 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4