1.   Even if it were simply a matter of replacing the principals, turning around poorly performing schools would be tough.

2.   His actions could include replacing principals, changing curriculums and creating several smaller schools within a large school.

3.   She replaced principals in about half the schools and set specific academic goals.

4.   The intermediate steps range from putting a school on probation to replacing the principal.

5.   The principal was replaced.

6.   They include replacing principals, rearranging the teaching staff, adding prekindergarten or after-school programs, dividing each school into smaller schools, and changing the curriculum.

7.   But Li said the principal was replaced by last year by education officials, and argued that the government is ultimately responsible.

v. + principal >>共 176
repay 5.01%
have 3.62%
return 3.34%
remove 3.06%
say 3.06%
pay 2.23%
lose 2.23%
replace 1.95%
tell 1.67%
represent 1.67%
replace + n. >>共 2049
one 1.58%
worker 1.02%
part 0.98%
coach 0.91%
system 0.90%
equipment 0.86%
starter 0.84%
minister 0.81%
window 0.78%
tire 0.58%
principal 0.09%
每页显示:    共 7