1.   I ask for assistance to repair my car.

2.   It took longer to repair her car than it did to undo her Marriage, she says.

3.   Ultimately, motorists will have to repair their cars or lose their registration.

4.   Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price.

5.   The cost of repairing the car includes parts and labor.

6.   I had a rental while my car was being repaired.

7.   Where the plaintiff delayed having his car repaired until he knew the defendants would pay the cost, the cost of hire of a replacement car was recoverable.

8.   For the Compton family in Bicester life without a car has been the norm while their car is repaired after a serious accident.

9.   If they repair the car maybe in the next hour or so how long will they take, Bobby?

10.   Along a potholed track off the main highway near the Juarez airport, five young men, all maquiladora employees, were repairing a car.

v. + car >>共 652
drive 6.53%
stop 3.48%
buy 3.32%
park 3.16%
sell 3.06%
steal 2.68%
damage 2.25%
have 1.92%
hit 1.64%
use 1.61%
repair 0.33%
repair + n. >>共 618
damage 16.10%
relation 2.56%
cartilage 2.33%
road 1.96%
car 1.72%
ligament 1.45%
home 1.45%
problem 1.38%
line 1.28%
building 1.21%
每页显示:    共 51