1.   A further outcome of the scandals was renewed pressure to replace outmoded hospital care by care in the community.

2.   He has ordered a crippling interest rate rise this week if the Pound comes under renewed pressure.

3.   The meeting came amidst renewed United States pressure for reductions in world interest rates.

4.   Renewed nationalist pressures within parts of greater Europe pose a serious threat of instability, which Community institutions must address.

5.   Along with renewed pressure to raise premiums is very likely to come reductions in services.

6.   Asian nations will come under renewed pressure to open their markets for financial services when trade and foreign ministers and heads of states meet from tomorrow in Vancouver.

7.   Bell is getting renewed pressure from developers to build residential housing on the harbor.

8.   Congress came under renewed pressure Tuesday to make it more difficult for U.S. companies to hire foreign workers.

9.   Employees who are still working will come under renewed pressure from their companies to move into health maintenance organizations and other managed-care health plans.

10.   Finally, in April, Clinton, under renewed pressure from rights groups, activated the sanction provisions.

a. + pressure >>共 411
high 13.40%
low 6.99%
international 5.66%
inflationary 4.19%
political 4.13%
intense 3.92%
increasing 3.02%
strong 2.60%
heavy 2.15%
public 2.07%
renewed 0.44%
renewed + n. >>共 700
interest 5.89%
violence 4.63%
concern 3.37%
effort 3.24%
attack 2.23%
call 2.06%
talk 1.97%
pressure 1.95%
confidence 1.89%
tension 1.76%
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