1.   However, remember to indicate in the posting that people who want to reach you should remove the part of the address that renders it invalid.

2.   Patsy was elected city assessor by having his own name put on ballots marked for his opponent, thus rendering them invalid.

3.   The State Department had issued mixed signals this week over whether the allegations of fraud render invalid the re-election, on Sunday, of President Alberto Fujimori.

4.   But even if the French succeed winning support for the plan, any decision on the issue could be rendered invalid because the commission has lost its legal clout.

5.   The earlier subpoena was rendered invalid because it failed to specify the time of day he was supposed to appear.

6.   The subpoena was rendered invalid because it failed to specify the time of day he was supposed to appear.

v. + invalid >>共 8
declare 64.95%
consider 10.31%
make 7.22%
render 6.19%
deem 5.15%
judge 3.09%
find 2.06%
call 1.03%
render + a. >>共 236
useless 8.60%
obsolete 4.88%
harmless 4.49%
meaningless 4.36%
unconscious 3.47%
ineffective 3.21%
moot 2.82%
irrelevant 2.57%
helpless 2.18%
unable 2.05%
invalid 0.77%
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