1.   Carbon dioxide could be rendered harmless as a greenhouse gas by pumping it into the sea, according to consultant physicist Raymond Harrowell.

2.   Scientists from the US Environmental Protection Agency have discovered that calcium oxide, or quicklime, may chemically react with toxic polychlorinated biphenyls to render them harmless.

3.   At best, the Russian waste may stay underground long enough to be rendered largely harmless by the process of radioactive decay.

4.   But he reiterated the American position that sanctions could not be lifted until Iraqi arms programs had been rendered harmless.

5.   But in her memory that insult has been rendered harmless by the respect he subsequently showed her in their work together.

6.   But these lethal vestiges of the Cold War have been rendered harmless and are finding a new, more peaceful purpose as the latest toys of the ultra rich.

7.   Column A new process promises to remove the chlorine from PCBs, rendering them harmless and reducing the cost of their cleanup.

8.   Heavy insulation renders them harmless when used for emergency oxygen masks.

9.   Highly enriched uranium can be rendered relatively harmless by simply blending it with nonexplosive natural uranium for use as reactor fuel.

10.   In the good old days, American vice presidents, like children, were meant to be seen and not heard, a secondary presence rendered harmless through silence.

v. + harmless >>共 9
render 57.38%
consider 18.03%
make 8.20%
declare 3.28%
deem 3.28%
find 3.28%
hold 3.28%
judge 1.64%
prove 1.64%
render + a. >>共 236
useless 8.60%
obsolete 4.88%
harmless 4.49%
meaningless 4.36%
unconscious 3.47%
ineffective 3.21%
moot 2.82%
irrelevant 2.57%
helpless 2.18%
unable 2.05%
每页显示:    共 35