1.   As the city slumbers, a slum area in a remote corner of the metropolis goes up in flames.

2.   Much more impact can be made by delving into the remote corners of society in pursuit of the exotic.

3.   Nobody is quite sure what is happening in remote corners of KwaZulu-Natal like Izingolweni.

4.   Obscured by clouds and rain in remote corners of croplands, they damaged little more than anthills or irrigation networks.

5.   Sibley lives in a remote corner of a remote mountain chain in the wilds of Arizona.

6.   The largest mineral resource deliberately sterilized by the process was the Windy Craggy copper property in the remote northwestern corner of B.C.

7.   There were no blurry eyes, no one-on-one sessions with the assistant coaches in a remote corner.

8.   They flip from one airport to another collecting and dumping in remote corners, removed from passenger terminals.

9.   As fatty oils and processed foods endemic to American diets invade the most remote corners of the planet, the ranks of the perilously overweight swell to historic levels.

10.   As he sat on the porch of his little white house in a remote corner of Indonesia, his thoughts were on his mother.

a. + corner >>共 674
street 16.31%
right 7.12%
left 5.90%
far 3.85%
top 2.65%
northwest 2.59%
upper 2.44%
remote 2.15%
outside 2.11%
dark 1.92%
remote + n. >>共 673
area 18.13%
village 8.37%
region 5.44%
location 3.46%
mountain 3.31%
part 2.85%
island 2.73%
town 2.08%
corner 2.00%
site 1.77%
每页显示:    共 103