1.   Companies in this situation have been quick to remedy the situation.

2.   If your tap water is of doubtful quality then you must be prepared to remedy the situation or use rain water instead.

3.   It appears that a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep can remedy the situation.

4.   Many tried and failed to introduce legislation to remedy the situation.

5.   Should not the Government act with similar urgency to remedy that situation?

6.   To remedy the situation, the water must be heavily chlorinated.

7.   Two courses of action to remedy the situation are therefore being attempted.

8.   To remedy the situation, the water must be chemically treated.

9.   A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.

v. + situation >>共 580
discuss 10.56%
monitor 5.53%
handle 4.70%
assess 4.62%
improve 2.89%
review 2.41%
calm 2.08%
defuse 1.84%
describe 1.81%
resolve 1.68%
remedy 1.28%
remedy + n. >>共 82
problem 34.25%
situation 24.86%
deficiency 3.04%
defect 2.49%
discrimination 2.21%
injustice 1.93%
condition 1.66%
damage 1.10%
lack 1.10%
shortcoming 1.10%
每页显示:    共 89