1.   Are you puzzled by the fact that Congress does little to remedy those defects in the bureaucracy against which it constantly rails?

2.   The new law remedies this defect, to a certain extent.

3.   The vendor agrees to remedy any defects at his own expense in the first two years, where the defect arises from a breach of NHBC standards.

4.   In particular, there is no limitation of the remedy by reference to some period of time during which defects will be remedied.

5.   It is far better for the buyer and the seller to avoid all these arguments by providing for an express period of time in which defects will be remedied.

6.   Cellular-industry executives acknowledge that digital phones are an evolving technology and say they are remedying the defects.

7.   Except for trying to remedy the defects, Southern has no role in the day-by-day operations of the plant.

8.   The case deserves a thorough review by state authorities to remedy apparent defects in the system that let a troubled patient go too long without supervised care.

9.   The only remarkable feature of this enactment is the fact that it remedied a defect in a new judgemade rule rather than in a statute.

v. + defect >>共 108
have 16.09%
correct 8.20%
find 7.89%
cause 4.42%
repair 4.42%
discover 3.79%
remedy 2.84%
detect 2.52%
fix 2.21%
cover 2.21%
remedy + n. >>共 82
problem 34.25%
situation 24.86%
deficiency 3.04%
defect 2.49%
discrimination 2.21%
injustice 1.93%
condition 1.66%
damage 1.10%
lack 1.10%
shortcoming 1.10%
每页显示:    共 9