1.   And the assumption is that America remains tilted to the center-right, where Ronald Reagan moved it.

2.   Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said the combined package the GOP envisions would cost too much and remains too tilted toward the wealthy.

3.   The Fed signaled that if further rate cuts are needed it will provide them, saying the balance of future risks remains tilted toward economic weakness.

4.   This is still proving complicated in a country where public opinion remains heavily tilted toward the pacifist principals enshrined in its constitution after the end of World War II.

n. + tilt >>共 179
balance 5.14%
head 3.16%
plane 2.77%
ship 1.98%
remains 1.58%
party 1.19%
support 1.19%
administration 1.19%
bill 1.19%
field 1.19%
remains + v. >>共 409
be 16.48%
commit 8.62%
oppose 3.96%
divide 3.09%
close 2.85%
convince 2.50%
unchange 2.27%
mire 2.15%
hospitalize 1.69%
focus 1.40%
tilt 0.23%
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