1.   But the nation remains mired in a kind of post-Soviet purgatory of economic and social lassitude as well as endemic corruption.

2.   By many measures, Appalachia remains mired in poverty.

3.   Despite the economic boom of the past two years, Peru remains mired in poverty.

4.   Eight years after the Persian Gulf war, Iraq remains mired in poverty while facing the threat of another U.S. air attack.

5.   Even with the win, though, ABC remains mired in third place for the year.

6.   He said that while many educated blacks were able to take advantage of doors opened by the civil rights movement, another segment of blacks remains mired in poverty.

7.   Image-wise, Los Angeles remains mired in a time warp -- lying somewhere between Rodney King and the Northridge Earthquake.

8.   Instead, the fragile coalitions stitched together by Hollings fell apart, and the telecommunications industry remains mired in an archaic regulatory structure that grows daily more inhibiting.

9.   Its market share remains mired in the single digits.

10.   News that the economy remains mired in recession could be good for bonds.

n. + mire >>共 18
remains 68.52%
ad 1.85%
body 1.85%
bus 1.85%
champion 1.85%
country 1.85%
deal 1.85%
dispute 1.85%
faction 1.85%
get 1.85%
remains + v. >>共 409
be 16.48%
commit 8.62%
oppose 3.96%
divide 3.09%
close 2.85%
convince 2.50%
unchange 2.27%
mire 2.15%
hospitalize 1.69%
focus 1.40%
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