1.   Add the remaining flour mixture to the shortening mixture alternating with the beaten egg.

2.   Stir the remaining flour and curry mixture into the hot pan and cook for a moment or two.

3.   Gradually work the remaining flour into the dough.

4.   Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer and stir in remaining flour.

5.   Beat in remaining flour to make a thick doughlike batter.

6.   Beat or stir in remaining flour.

7.   Beat in remaining flour.

8.   Beat in yeast mixture and then remaining flour, switching to a sturdy spoon.

9.   Beat or stir in chocolate morsels, grated chocolate, nuts if desired and remaining flour mixture until evenly incorporated.

10.   Add brown sugar, remaining lemon rind, remaining flour and the baking powder.

a. + flour >>共 126
together 18.08%
remaining 9.04%
all-purpose 6.78%
white 5.84%
seasoned 5.65%
excess 4.71%
sifted 4.14%
whole-wheat 4.14%
additional 2.07%
carrying 1.69%
remaining + n. >>共 1114
ingredient 2.70%
hostage 1.85%
share 1.83%
game 1.71%
seat 1.29%
member 1.14%
issue 1.01%
oil 1.00%
butter 0.85%
difference 0.80%
flour 0.40%
每页显示:    共 48