1.   The techniques he used to breach computer security systems remain available to others.

2.   A few have been released on condition that they remain available to authorities.

3.   Abbott said those Web sites had been closed to the public only and had remained available to military users throughout the day.

4.   Discounts will remain available to Asia, too, Parsons projects.

5.   He has medicines from a federally financed drug program that remains available to people with AIDS regardless of their immigration status.

6.   He used his resources to help insure that riding and hiking trails would remain available to everyone.

7.   The other three were released without charge on Sunday, on the condition that they remain available to the court for further questioning.

8.   These cartoons should remain available to the public, just to remind people what passed for humor in those days.

9.   These units will remain forever available to people of modest incomes.

10.   U.S. programs will remain widely available to Canadians on privately-owned TV channels, and on U.S. channels fed into Canada through cable systems.

v. + available + to >>共 10
be 64.63%
make 32.05%
become 2.43%
remain 0.43%
break 0.14%
have 0.11%
leave 0.11%
discover 0.04%
keep 0.04%
want 0.04%
remain + available + p. >>共 10
for 32.79%
to 19.67%
in 13.11%
as 9.84%
on 6.56%
through 6.56%
at 4.92%
from 3.28%
before 1.64%
by 1.64%
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