1.   Adherents are often noted for their belief that marijuana encourages the calm necessary for religious meditation.

2.   Coffee was first consumed as a medicine by the Arabs, and then adopted to fortify religious meditation.

3.   Europeans also built monasteries at remote sites, suited to scholarship and religious meditation.

4.   Popularized worldwide by the late reggae singer Bob Marley, Rastafarianism is often noted for its principle that marijuana encourages the calm necessary for religious meditation.

a. + meditation >>共 121
silent 7.29%
popular 4.17%
daily 3.65%
quiet 2.60%
peaceful 2.08%
guided 2.08%
chinese 2.08%
private 2.08%
religious 2.08%
light 1.56%
religious + n. >>共 661
leader 7.26%
group 6.10%
right 2.80%
school 2.67%
belief 2.60%
freedom 2.47%
conservative 2.12%
party 1.67%
organization 1.64%
ceremony 1.30%
meditation 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4