1.   Dozens of religious cults have appeared in the US, most making a fortune for their leaders.

2.   The daemons are closely linked with religious cult activity.

3.   The popularity of religious cult communities reveals the extent to which many people have turned their backs on the family.

4.   The suicides have been linked to a strange religious cult.

5.   The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.

6.   My new neighbor began seeking my company under the guise of friendship, but he turned out to be a member of a religious cult bent on conversion.

7.   An international religious cult is setting up a company to sponsor research in human cloning.

8.   An obscure religious cult, Christianity, has appeared in the town but is not considered a serious threat.

9.   And it is only the most troubling tip of a problem the government faces with religious cults, which have been growing in popularity in recent years.

10.   Between the right to worship freely and to operate a religious cult, its members walled off like POWs from the rest of society.

a. + cult >>共 241
religious 16.93%
former 4.95%
japanese 3.67%
senior 3.51%
satanic 3.19%
top 3.04%
apocalyptic 2.24%
new 1.60%
key 1.28%
current 1.12%
religious + n. >>共 661
leader 7.26%
group 6.10%
right 2.80%
school 2.67%
belief 2.60%
freedom 2.47%
conservative 2.12%
party 1.67%
organization 1.64%
ceremony 1.30%
cult 0.52%
每页显示:    共 105