1.   And we were not pleased about the interference in our religious ceremonies.

2.   Did you have a religious ceremony when you got Married?

3.   For a supposedly religious ceremony there is a very secular feel about the whole affair.

4.   I thought a religious ceremony must now follow, but I was mistaken.

5.   More often, religious ceremonies required special clothes.

6.   Ruby Wax found some real wackos in West Virginia-loons who use poisonous snakes in religious ceremonies.

7.   The next day saw the religious ceremony at Notre Dame - which again led to family difficulties.

8.   The programs give her a glimpse of different traditions, such as a religious wedding ceremony and a school board election.

9.   Then the entire party walked to the parish church for the religious ceremony.

10.   The dead included six people attending a religious ceremony.

a. + ceremony >>共 657
opening 15.39%
signing 10.96%
religious 4.30%
closing 3.77%
welcoming 3.62%
official 3.34%
private 2.73%
brief 2.42%
wedding 2.24%
formal 2.09%
religious + n. >>共 661
leader 7.26%
group 6.10%
right 2.80%
school 2.67%
belief 2.60%
freedom 2.47%
conservative 2.12%
party 1.67%
organization 1.64%
ceremony 1.30%
每页显示:    共 264