1.   A little background knowledge will make you more confident and help you to draw up a list of really relevant questions.

2.   Emphasis has been placed upon the clinical aspects of infection and relevant questions on basic microbiology and pathology have therefore been included.

3.   It is a particularly relevant question for those of us who, each season, must find fitness to pursue our sports.

4.   That too is a relevant question, so, following is a synopsis of my credentials in that respect.

5.   What follows is not a comprehensive list - what other relevant questions can you identify?

6.   A more relevant question perhaps is not HOW the consultative process works but whether any notice is taken!

7.   Interviews are encounters between a researcher and a respondent in which an individual is asked a series of questions relevant to the subject of the research.

8.   Once the public choice perspective is introduced, a relevant question becomes, What is in each theory for the political actors?

9.   Some of the comments have already been recorded under the relevant questions.

10.   By the time you have dictated the brief and asked the relevant questions you will have started to form some idea of the answers.

a. + question >>共 706
big 4.26%
same 3.23%
only 2.90%
key 2.56%
unanswered 2.40%
real 1.98%
important 1.94%
serious 1.90%
first 1.87%
tough 1.68%
relevant 0.20%
relevant + n. >>共 470
information 9.00%
authority 7.00%
document 4.72%
issue 2.11%
agency 2.06%
government 1.83%
experience 1.78%
factor 1.72%
question 1.72%
law 1.61%
每页显示:    共 31