1.   After careful consideration of all the evidence and relevant law the Tribunal either upholds or dismisses the appeal.

2.   In other cases it may be difficult to guarantee effectiveness because of the uncertain state of the relevant law.

3.   The drafter should therefore consider the effect of any relevant law in the country with which the client is trading.

4.   A consular officer will also visit you regularly in jail, inform you generally about the relevant laws, contact your family, and help transmit required funds.

5.   Davis said the U.N. resolution should compel all nations to pass relevant laws to act more nimbly.

6.   In addition, relevant laws need to be strengthened.

7.   Journalists recount sequences that reek with fishiness, cite relevant laws and embarrass officials into producing evidence.

8.   Over the next six months, Lauder plans to meet with museum officials around the world and to assess the relevant laws in the United States and in Europe.

9.   The company started hiring antitrust experts to master the relevant laws.

10.   The key, the high court said, is the standard set by relevant state laws.

a. + law >>共 556
new 14.13%
federal 11.16%
state 8.24%
islamic 3.97%
current 3.25%
antitrust 2.00%
existing 1.99%
proposed 1.54%
local 1.46%
environmental 1.26%
relevant 0.09%
relevant + n. >>共 470
information 9.00%
authority 7.00%
document 4.72%
issue 2.11%
agency 2.06%
government 1.83%
experience 1.78%
factor 1.72%
question 1.72%
law 1.61%
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