1.   After his arrest in Virginia, Carney released a statement that Salvi had written while imprisoned.

2.   Dortch-Okara, who in August found Salvi competent to stand trial, refused to let Salvi release the statement.

3.   Mr Howard released a statement in an effort to kill speculation in the press.

4.   So persistent is the warning that government agencies have released statements discounting its claims.

5.   After their statement had been released to the press, the unarmed hijackers surrendered to Indian authorities in Calcutta where they were detained for trial.

6.   The next day Islamic Jihad released a statement in Beirut claiming responsibility for the attack.

7.   An AlliedSignal Inc. spokesman released a statement saying the corporation has investigated the age-discrimination charges.

8.   An office secretary there also refused to answer questions and said the center would not release a statement on the matter.

9.   And Hiss released a statement denying he was Ales.

10.   And neither the Heat nor the league expected to release a statement over the extended Fourth of July weekend.

v. + statement >>共 314
issue 27.61%
make 22.04%
release 6.20%
say 3.99%
sign 2.36%
read 2.36%
give 1.88%
retract 1.27%
take 0.91%
prepare 0.71%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
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