1.   Harmolodic is also releasing discs by other artists and reissuing out-of-print Coleman albums.

2.   Releasing the disc became a family effort.

3.   The disc was released in mid-December but was lost amid the holiday gift-buying blizzard.

4.   The new Clapton disc will be released Tuesday.

5.   Overseas, where the disc was released last year, it clearly can be called a successful comeback.

6.   The disc was released last month.

7.   The disc was not released for a free flight because of wiring and sensor problems.

v. + disc >>共 174
sell 6.02%
use 5.42%
produce 3.31%
play 3.31%
rupture 2.71%
slip 2.41%
repair 2.41%
release 2.11%
make 2.11%
have 1.81%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
disc 0.04%
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