1.   Reaffirms the objectives of Green Belt policies and related development control policies as laid down in previous Circulars.

2.   Since then two related developments have given the group its unusual character.

3.   There have been two related developments.

4.   Trading estates have been laid out, factories built and resources in unspecified ways recirculated as investment for related development.

5.   In a related development, the National Rivers Authority has announced its intention to prosecute the North West Water company for allowing the PCP discharges to continue.

6.   And in a related development, Latrell Sprewell of the Warriors is still looking for his pants.

7.   And in a related development, Tiger Woods has skipped the Masters to stay home and dance the samba.

8.   A related development was that Oracle network computers will accept plug-in memory cards that will contain programs.

9.   In a related development in the Barneys case, the bankruptcy court today made public the reorganization plan the luxury retailer filed last Thursday following its bankruptcy filing.

10.   In a related development Tuesday, LAPD Cmdr. Jim McDonnell said he intends to apply for the permanent chief position.

a. + development >>共 715
economic 14.53%
new 5.11%
latest 4.47%
recent 2.85%
related 1.86%
positive 1.80%
sustainable 1.80%
further 1.77%
political 1.42%
rural 1.41%
related + n. >>共 738
development 7.18%
issue 3.65%
product 3.62%
charge 2.39%
company 2.11%
case 2.08%
matter 1.97%
business 1.74%
service 1.54%
industry 1.42%
每页显示:    共 251