1.   Brucellosis is not related to mad cow disease, which scientists in Britain have tentatively linked to a human malady that has caused eight deaths.

2.   They get it mixed up with the new variant of the disease in England that is related to mad cow disease.

3.   Understanding how proteins fold could be the key to developing treatments for a range of genetic diseases such as those related to mad cow disease.

4.   Commission spokesman Gerry Kiely on Monday denied any policy of withholding facts related to mad cow disease, officially known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

5.   Curlett said the seizure was the first of any cow or sheep in the United States under suspicion of having an illness related to mad cow disease.

6.   Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the fatal human brain disorder thought to be related to mad cow disease, would be a candidate.

7.   Neither case involved the form of the ailment that may be related to mad cow disease, according to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

8.   The European cosmetics industry federation will ask its members to recall products made with key cattle ingredients as a precautionary measure related to mad cow disease.

v. + mad >>共 5
link 45.45%
relate 36.36%
expose 9.09%
react 4.55%
refer 4.55%
relate + v. >>共 114
mad 4.76%
land 3.57%
work 3.57%
drug 2.38%
be 2.38%
trade 2.38%
travel 2.38%
deregulation 1.79%
design 1.79%
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