1.   Antitrust regulators must decide the boundaries of the competitive market.

2.   But such contract buyouts cause much debate because regulators must decide whether the costs should be passed on to customers or shouldered by shareholders.

3.   But the competition is stunted because federal regulators decide, largely independent of market forces, how much the plans charge their enrollees and collect from the government.

4.   But with light trucks now accounting for nearly half the new family vehicles sold, regulators have decided that light trucks must start meeting the same rules as cars.

5.   By the end of the month, regulators must decide which ailing banks to sell, which banks to dissolve and which power companies to sell.

6.   Competition will allow well-run companies to produce earnings growth rates that were undreamed of when regulators decided how much profit a company could earn.

7.   Dan Rudakas, an analyst with Everen Securities, said he expected the company to take a one-time charge on its earnings if the regulators decided against its request.

8.   European regulators ultimately decided to reject that deal.

9.   Federal regulators will decide how much of the decommissioning bill electric customers will pay and how much, if any, will come from utility stockholders.

10.   For example, securities regulators might decide to monitor hedge funds weekly or monthly, rather than rely on the quarterly filings now made to the futures commission.

n. + decide >>共 692
government 7.18%
official 4.56%
company 4.18%
court 3.83%
judge 2.39%
authority 2.24%
prosecutor 1.85%
leader 1.65%
committee 1.55%
jury 1.54%
regulator 0.31%
regulator + v. >>共 562
say 12.07%
be 6.06%
approve 4.56%
have 3.00%
take 2.10%
want 1.76%
investigate 1.53%
find 1.42%
require 1.39%
decide 1.25%
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