1.   Conclusion Over the past Decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity.

2.   Criminal laws aimed at regulating corporate activities tend to refer to a specific rather than a general class of behaviour.

3.   It involves the use of celestial recurrences for the practical purpose of regulating daily activity.

4.   They called for the temporary suspension of activities by all political parties, who were further requested to draw up a code of conduct to regulate their activities.

5.   These findings suggest that macrophage biosynthetic activity is tightly regulated and that distinct subgroups of macrophages may be characterised by their functional secretory profile.

6.   Its role is to oversee and regulate the activities of the different financial institutions.

7.   Other ZNF proteins have been shown to bind DNA at specific promoter sites, and they probably act by regulating gene activity.

8.   Besides, there was no way to regulate hunter activities in the afternoon.

9.   But a federal appeals court struck down the law, saying it illegally regulated activities in other states and discriminated against out-of-state businesses.

v. + activity >>共 792
monitor 2.80%
limit 2.16%
coordinate 2.00%
finance 1.92%
report 1.69%
resume 1.57%
ban 1.54%
curb 1.54%
conduct 1.47%
increase 1.47%
regulate 1.00%
regulate + n. >>共 776
tobacco 4.54%
industry 3.28%
nicotine 2.42%
price 2.22%
flow 2.08%
use 2.01%
activity 1.98%
product 1.67%
cigarette 1.37%
trade 1.37%
每页显示:    共 58