1.   An upper house representing regional leaders was to be created two years after independence.

2.   But Basque regional political leaders lamented the loss of life and urged that dialogue be reopened.

3.   Combined with the suddenness of his fall, this left no scope for ambitious regional leaders to emerge.

4.   Putin proposed stripping the regional leaders of their seats in the upper chamber of parliament.

5.   An upper house representing regional leaders is to be created two years after independence.

6.   He offered to visit Amman, Damascus or Beirut for talks with regional leaders and suggested that a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation might visit Jerusalem for informal talks.

7.   And regional leaders usually form powerful alliances with local business leaders.

8.   And it seemed to set the stage for a new call by regional leaders for a political settlement.

9.   Annan had hoped that the meeting of nine regional African leaders Tuesday in the Nigerian capital Abuja might find a political way out of the crisis in Sierra Leone.

10.   As Clinton flew off to Costa Rica to talk trade with other regional leaders, what remained unsaid and what was left undone helped define his Mexico visit.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
regional 0.81%
regional + n. >>共 949
leader 3.14%
government 2.67%
currency 2.62%
bank 2.15%
security 2.12%
market 1.47%
office 1.43%
company 1.38%
cooperation 1.28%
crisis 1.25%
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