1.   Known as brownfields, these sites dot the region, the result of manufacturing and chemical processing.

2.   Outweighed in military might, the rebels have used their knowledge of the terrain to wage lightning attacks against Russian patrols and hide in caves that dot the region.

3.   Hundreds of tribal groups live in the dense forests that dot the region and each enforces its own rules.

4.   Hundreds of tribal groups live in the dense forests that dot the region and each enforces their own rules.

n. + dot >>共 64
landscape 9.80%
faceoff 7.84%
year 4.90%
quantum 4.90%
pin 3.92%
region 3.92%
pipe 2.94%
countryside 1.96%
coin 1.96%
ink 1.96%
region + n. >>共 248
close 3.64%
governor 2.60%
commander 2.34%
hit 2.08%
need 2.08%
account 1.56%
service 1.56%
leader 1.30%
autonomy 1.30%
dot 1.04%
每页显示:    共 4