1.   Ethiopian government has refused to grant the region autonomy.

2.   Georgia says it will grant the region broad autonomy, but not sovereignty.

3.   Many Basques, including independence advocates, see armed violence as unnecessary, considering the high level of autonomy the region has enjoyed for two decades.

4.   The Ethiopian government has refused to grant the region autonomy.

5.   The two sides agreed to review a federal law granting the region autonomy and work toward the election of a democratic Acehnese provincial government.

n. + autonomy >>共 48
province 10.34%
accord 5.75%
management 5.75%
region 5.75%
university 5.75%
minority 4.60%
government 3.45%
island 3.45%
teacher 3.45%
bank 2.30%
region + n. >>共 248
close 3.64%
governor 2.60%
commander 2.34%
hit 2.08%
need 2.08%
account 1.56%
service 1.56%
leader 1.30%
autonomy 1.30%
dot 1.04%
每页显示:    共 5