1.   Refugees were pouring across the border in an endless stream.

2.   -- A new stream of Kosovo refugees poured into Macedonia, and foreign observers said they seemed to be the victims of another mass expulsion.

3.   For years, police officials said here, Afghan refugees have poured into the city, bringing with them an odd mix of radical Islam and heroin.

4.   If not persuaded to go back to their homes, the refugees would pour into Zaire, adding to the crisis there.

5.   Soon afterward, Christian refugees poured in from Abkhazia.

6.   With the city coming back to life, refugees are pouring down from the hillsides to organized encampments or to the shells of their homes.

7.   Albanian refugees pour into Italy.

8.   An army of Dutch flood refugees poured out of more endangered lowland areas Wednesday as soaked dikes weakened under the onslaught of swollen rivers.

9.   At Morini on the Albanian border, refugees poured into Kosovo, creating miles-long backups of cars, tractors, buses and vans.

10.   Flood refugees poured back into their precarious polder life Sunday, grateful their centuries-old dams held and glad to see their homes above water.

n. + pour >>共 632
money 4.55%
smoke 3.59%
investor 3.11%
rain 3.02%
thousand 2.87%
water 2.87%
troop 1.92%
people 1.92%
government 1.87%
fan 1.68%
refugee 1.68%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
pour 0.68%
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