1.   In short, both Tudjman and Milosevic are barely reformed communists.

2.   Scharping has ruled out an alliance with the reformed communists.

3.   Only the largest opposition party, the reformed communists, said it will support the ex-communist president.

4.   Parliament elected a new speaker Wednesday, reasserting dominance of the party of reformed communists in this former Yugoslav republic.

5.   A member of the reformed East German communists, he had said he would leave Germany if voted out of office.

6.   Dahlhoff grinned and the delegates sat in embarrassed silence, said Wolf, a member of the reformed East German communists.

7.   Fall elections saw them return in alliance with reformed communists.

8.   He also advocates looking to the reformed East German communists, now called the Party for Democratic Socialism, as a possible election ally.

9.   His party of reformed communists trounced the previous Solidarity-led government in September elections.

10.   Hungarians choose between reformed communist and yuppie challenger Eds. UPDATES with Gallup exit polls giving center-right the lead.

a. + communist >>共 148
former 50.94%
east_german 5.27%
reformed 4.57%
chinese 2.46%
ruling 1.64%
russian 1.52%
indian 1.52%
hardline 1.41%
radical 0.94%
suspected 0.94%
reformed + n. >>共 119
communist 16.60%
church 3.40%
party 3.40%
economy 2.55%
alcoholic 2.55%
system 2.55%
minister 2.13%
welfare 2.13%
car 1.70%
rule 1.70%
每页显示:    共 39