1.   A number of members of Congress have begun talking about Social Security and introducing reform legislation.

2.   Clinton already has vetoed Republican-drafted welfare reform legislation twice.

3.   If the bill fails, it would be the fifth defeat in a Decade for campaign finance reform legislation.

4.   In Europe social democracy had, they said, tried to develop schools by passing social reform legislation.

5.   HONG KONG has stepped up the pressure on China, promising to publish democratic reform legislation soon unless Beijing agrees to come to the negotiating table.

6.   And he asserted that passing campaign finance reform legislation would be a form of environmental protection, because it would reduce the influence of big corporate polluters.

7.   And all think the candidates have been silent on the subject of campaign finance reform legislation, a noteworthy misperception among otherwise well-informed voters.

8.   Approval of these measures would provide a model for how to clean up local political races and send a strong signal to Washington to enact reform legislation next year.

9.   Any tax reform legislation should include the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, Lott said.

10.   As support for campaign finance reform legislation builds in the House of Representatives, the lawmakers who have not signed on to the cause are getting more conspicuous.

n. + legislation >>共 568
reform 5.58%
campaign 5.52%
finance 4.95%
tobacco 4.27%
draft 4.10%
tax 3.10%
welfare 3.02%
year 2.50%
crime 2.25%
trade 1.99%
reform + n. >>共 372
bill 11.92%
plan 9.18%
package 7.86%
program 7.67%
effort 5.86%
proposal 4.78%
legislation 4.71%
measure 4.54%
movement 4.28%
process 3.17%
每页显示:    共 195