1.   Biotech companies spend years refining the processes as they gear up for commercial production.

2.   Chrysler has been working with Arthur D. Little, an international research consulting firm, in refining the process and developing the operating hardware.

3.   During World War II, he also helped refine the process for making synthetic rubber.

4.   He was the first GE executive to use Six Sigma not only to refine processes but to design a product.

5.   It later fell to the Greeks and Romans to refine the process further and take it to its best and worst extremes.

6.   It requires just one refining process at a single plant.

7.   Later Greenfield worked for Fred S. Carver Inc. where he refined the process for use on industrial sludge from breweries, rendering plants, and wool processing plants.

8.   McMahon and Sullivan have refined the process of hitting the ball.

9.   Rabinowitz refined this process, in part by replacing many tools with traditional ones he had custom-made.

10.   Refine the process, yes.

v. + process >>共 817
begin 6.72%
start 3.63%
repeat 3.61%
complete 3.24%
speed 2.26%
accelerate 2.21%
delay 2.04%
use 2.01%
slow 1.66%
streamline 1.36%
refine 0.29%
refine + n. >>共 265
skill 3.65%
oil 3.32%
technique 3.32%
process 2.65%
product 2.32%
technology 1.99%
plan 1.82%
system 1.82%
method 1.66%
game 1.49%
每页显示:    共 16