1.   A reel mower cuts blades of grass cleaner than a rotary mower, which tears at the blades of grass, according to DeFries.

2.   Again, rotary mowers are bigger offenders than reel mowers under these circumstances.

3.   But if you have a small plot of grass and a desire to go green plus keep your neighborhood quiet, a reel mower might be for you.

4.   I had a reel mower once, and when I asked around town for somebody who could sharpen it, I felt like Rip van Winkle.

5.   Kaspitzke said reel mowers give a precise, even cut and they also add an element of style to the cut.

6.   Reel mowers are quieter than gas-powered versions.

7.   So give your beloved lawn-addict a reel mower and a scythe.

8.   Some environmentalists want as many people as possible to give up on machines entirely and trim their lawns the old-fashioned way -- with hand-pushed reel mowers.

9.   The reel mower, which operates like a scythe, is easier to push and pull today because of the use of modern lightweight materials.

10.   There are always the old-time reel mowers -- powered by sweat -- and some people are out there pushing them.

n. + mower >>共 13
push 33.33%
reel 25.64%
tractor 10.26%
hand 5.13%
robot 5.13%
bubble 2.56%
lawn 2.56%
midnight 2.56%
mulch 2.56%
petrol 2.56%
reel + n. >>共 29
mower 22.73%
life 11.36%
material 4.55%
mechanism 4.55%
assembly 2.27%
assist 2.27%
case 2.27%
click 2.27%
dance 2.27%
erm 2.27%
每页显示:    共 10