1.   A. I am only guessing, but I believe you reduced the distance between jambs at the bottom of the window, making the sash tighter in the jambs.

2.   But since the uprising started, he has successfully reduced the distance between himself and his people, which had been growing along with their frustrations.

3.   He said he could not say how that distance might be reduced if the armaments had been jettisoned.

4.   Later, on the putting green, Player had reduced the distance past the cup to a quarter-inch.

5.   Mr. afSandeberg borrowed from his homeland the idea of placing the laundry next to the main bedroom, reducing the distance that dirty linens and clothes have to travel.

6.   Such journeys now take hours instead of weeks, and telecommunications have reduced the distance between home and away.

7.   Traditionally, freighters have hugged the California coastline from Point Pinos to Point Arguello in an effort to reduce the distance between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

8.   Along the same lines, the airline industry has asked federal officials to reduce the distances between airplanes in the sky.

9.   This background noise is very bad news for the whales because it could reduce the distance over which the male mating call can travel.

v. + distance >>共 200
keep 30.28%
go 10.30%
travel 7.48%
put 6.64%
walk 4.35%
maintain 2.67%
drive 1.75%
cover 1.75%
have 1.60%
measure 1.60%
reduce 0.69%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
distance 0.03%
每页显示:    共 9