1.   A tax on films helps redress the balance.

2.   Affirmative action was meant to redress the balance for minorities.

3.   By establishing formal links with the universities, and international specialists, they hope to redress the balance.

4.   Eventually, if the population of one species rises too much a new epidemic will come along to redress the balance.

5.   Gypsies have often been portrayed as lawless savages, and the film tries to redress the balance by showing their culture as it really is.

6.   He sees the new blood scheme as one way to redress the balance against over-represented subjects like particle physics.

7.   However, our recent spate of hot summers and mild winters seems to be redressing the balance somewhat.

8.   If there is any point at all to democratic government it is, surely, to redress the balance in our favour.

9.   In other words, it was only through hostilities that the Spartans felt they could redress the balance.

10.   In the future, many salty foods will use mixtures of potassium chloride to redress the balance.

v. + balance >>共 312
lose 9.99%
strike 9.11%
tip 5.87%
maintain 4.70%
find 3.62%
achieve 3.62%
keep 3.41%
restore 3.08%
have 3.08%
regain 3.00%
redress 1.79%
redress + n. >>共 53
balance 23.50%
imbalance 10.38%
grievance 7.65%
wrong 7.65%
inequity 6.01%
problem 6.01%
situation 5.46%
discrimination 3.83%
injustice 3.28%
fraud 1.09%
每页显示:    共 43