1.   That faint reddish tinge in his fair hair - did you notice that?

2.   The red maples, at the edge of the clearing, have a reddish tinge.

3.   That faint reddish tinge in his fair hair -- did you notice that?

4.   Gold with a reddish tinge, with flavors of apples, lemon and lime.

5.   Old leaves tend to have a reddish tinge and persist on the tree.

6.   Red tide gets its name from a reddish tinge caused by dinoflagellates, a micro-organism that suffocates fish and releases toxic substances.

a. + tinge >>共 87
reddish 4.58%
bluish 3.82%
faint 3.05%
green 3.05%
blue 3.05%
political 3.05%
racial 3.05%
slightest 3.05%
american 2.29%
bittersweet 2.29%
reddish + n. >>共 102
hair 19.72%
brown 10.33%
color 6.10%
tinge 2.82%
hue 1.88%
beard 1.41%
colour 1.41%
complexion 1.41%
cardigan 1.41%
skin 1.41%
每页显示:    共 6