1.   I solved the problem by adapting a red felt pen.

2.   There were several red-tipped pins protruding from it and an area of Soho had been ringed in red Marker pen.

3.   He corrects papers with a red pen.

4.   Have you got a red pen?

5.   I wonder if they get an extra allowance for red pens?

6.   Bring a red pen.

7.   Diligently Lapine would pore over the drafts, marking notes in the margins in red pen.

8.   Her boss marked up her resignation letter with a red pen, and gave it back so she could rewrite it.

9.   I tell him my red pen is gone.

10.   Mark your due date on the calendar in pencil, not red pen.

a. + pen >>共 271
holding 7.37%
red 4.16%
felt 3.21%
poison 3.02%
marking 2.65%
special 2.27%
black 1.89%
electronic 1.70%
animal 1.51%
small 1.51%
red + n. >>共 798
wine 6.36%
card 4.82%
rose 2.07%
hair 2.02%
brick 1.92%
clay 1.54%
line 1.54%
onion 1.32%
zone 1.25%
alert 1.04%
pen 0.22%
每页显示:    共 22