1.   Most will have a manual personnel records system of some sort.

2.   These five areas of concern indicated that an improved and modified manual personnel records system would be inadequate.

3.   They went over to a computerized records system.

4.   That was also the reason that HCHP developed an integrated computer records system years ago.

5.   Law enforcement officials familiar with the documents mishap, speaking only on condition of anonymity, said the mistake resulted from an antiquated records system.

6.   There is no evidence that anyone has breached the main electronic medical records system, officials said.

7.   Some wildlife experts are concerned that the sanctuary lacks the necessary manpower and proper animal diagnostic and records systems, crucial to avoiding disease outbreaks.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
record 0.02%
record + n. >>共 122
show 57.19%
request 3.72%
law 3.38%
check 2.03%
office 1.69%
manager 1.35%
information 1.18%
system 1.18%
center 1.02%
management 0.85%
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