1.   But if the Bosnian Serbs find themselves simultaneously facing military pressure and diplomatic isolation, they might reconsider their rejection of the peace plan.

2.   Earlier in the day, the European Union, Amnesty International and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill asked Gov. Bob Taft to reconsider his rejection of clemency.

3.   If the House approves the bill, McBride said she hopes the Senate might reconsider its rejection of a similar proposal and pass the measure.

4.   In light of the South Western deal, Scottish Power Friday called on Manweb to reconsider its rejection of the offer.

5.   It is just possible that Bosnian government gains could push Bosnian Serbs to reconsider their rejection of the international peace plan the government side accepted nearly a year ago.

6.   RNC spokesman Chuck Greener said the party has asked the networks to reconsider their rejection of the half-hour segments but has no immediate plans to run shorter spots.

7.   Still, the consultant said there was no indication that the U.S. had changed its negotiating demands -- or that Japan had reconsidered its rejection of those demands.

8.   In response, U.S. officials called on the EU to reconsider its rejection of the new law and held out the hope that further negotiations can resolve the issue.

9.   Meanwhile, U.N. chief Boutros Boutros-Ghali urged Iraq on Monday to reconsider its rejection of the resolution allowing it to sell oil.

10.   On Wednesday, Zedillo pleaded with the Zapatista to reconsider their rejection of new peace talks with the government.

v. + rejection >>共 147
prevent 13.08%
follow 3.55%
reconsider 3.55%
reiterate 3.10%
face 2.66%
appeal 2.66%
take 2.66%
urge 2.44%
fear 2.22%
announce 2.22%
reconsider + n. >>共 344
decision 21.04%
position 6.57%
plan 4.47%
policy 3.16%
case 2.50%
ruling 2.43%
issue 1.78%
ban 1.58%
opposition 1.51%
law 1.51%
rejection 1.05%
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